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P.A.E.S (Polaris Academy of Excellence Stack) Approach

Polarisis a dedicated organization committed to empowering the youth of India by providing them with access to the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today’s real world. Our mission is to build entrepreneurial skills among millions of youth by delivering high-quality learning content that is tailored to the needs of the population.

Polaris Academy of Excellence under the aegis of Polaris Educational and Cultural Trust has set up an Incubation centre in Aligarh, PAIC (Abbreviation for Polaris Aligarh Incubation Centre) the vision of this program is

“A start-up in every college by acting as a launch pad to take the start-up and early stage ideas from the schools and colleges to the real world”.

With a mission to nurture the ideas in young minds in small and underserved towns and turn them into shining stars in the business world by helpingPolaris Masterclass

 them accelerate by seed and incubate. PIC runs a business accelerator program to help the students develop their ideas into actual business, help industry matchmaking and raise seed funds locally. They have developed plans and milestones to evaluate program and collaborated with industry leaders for support and guidance. This signature program supports the goal of understanding entrepreneurship and diversifying engagement with a focus on underrepresented youth to participate and excel.

P.A.E.S. Masterclass

One of Polaris Academy’s flagship platforms is Master Class that aims to support in learning the most in-demand with a focus on Innovation, Ideas, Industry, Entrepreneurship & global trends, Polaris has over 22 years of experience in digital learning and online education. Since 2001, we have been serving the education ecosystem by supporting educational institutions and the private sector in conceptualizing, executing, and delivering digital learning products.

In conclusion, Polaris is an organization that is dedicated to empowering the youth of India by providing them with access to high-quality learning content. Through our flagship programs, we are helping learners to develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today’s fast-paced job market. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, Polaris remains steadfast in its mission to create a brighter future for all.

We are supporting the state’s intentions to establish Common Facility Centre (CFC), Centres of Excellence (CoE) and Skill Development Centers to facilitate in providing best practices, research and skill development.

These initiatives are highly committed and well placed in the grass roots to uplift the aspirations as well as encourage more and more talent to join the initiative, team Polaris is not waiting for the government to support rather they are open to support the government at all levels with the best of their efforts, these efforts are commendable and deserves a loud applause.

Intention & Target

“The Polaris Academy of Excellence aims to provide high-quality education and training to its learners with the objective of developing their skills, knowledge, and abilities to excel in their chosen field. The academy also strives to contribute to the development of the industry or community it serves by producing skilled professionals who can positively impact society.”Polaris Masterclass

  • The Polaris Academy of Excellence provides a rigorous and challenging educational environment that is designed to develop the critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills of its Learners. This is achieved through a combination of classroom instruction, experiential learning, and real-world applications that help Learners to develop a deep understanding of their chosen field.
  • The academy is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and technologies in its field, and to providing its Learners with access to the most current and relevant knowledge and resources. This is accomplished through ongoing research, partnerships with industry leaders, and a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.
  • The Polaris Academy of Excellence also recognizes the importance of developing well-rounded professionals who are not only highly skilled in their field, but who also possess strong communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills. To this end, the academy provides a range of leadership development opportunities, and mentorship programs that help Learners to build these critical competencies.

Our Solutions:

  1. Curriculum Design:
    1. We offer curriculum design services to help colleges create effective and relevant from Industry perspective that meet the needs of current trends.
  2. Faculty Development:
    1. We provide faculty development programs to help college professors improve their teaching skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in higher education including Outcome Based Learning concepts (OBE)Polaris Masterclass
  3. Mentoring Support Services:
    1. We offer student counselling and academic advising, to help students succeed academically and become successful in professionally.
  4. Career Services:
    1. We deliver programs to help students prepare for the job market and support to become a successful entrepreneur
  5. Research and Development:
    1. Conduct research and development to help colleges stay on the cutting edge of new developments and emerging trends in higher education.
  6. Technology based Live Sessions:
    1. We offer technology-based live, interactive sessions that provide an interactive and engaging learning experience delivered by Industry Experts.

Polaris Academy of Excellence Stack Ecosystem

P.A.E.S Polaris Academy of Excellence Stack Approach

For more information and details of the program, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Our team will be happy to provide you with the necessary information and work with you to customize an investment plan that meets your specific needs and requirements.

Share your details in the below form with your college and course name in the message box, we will get in touch with you on your mobile number soon..


Polaris Educational and Cultural Trust the parent body of Polaris Academy of Excellence and Polaris Incubation Center is running one of its kind Free SAT classes for USA college admissions in Graduation. Polaris Incubation Center is the best incubation center in Aligarh, working closely with small and regional colleges to provide them the best business incubator in Aligarh. Polaris Incubator, work on startup ideas, the ideas those are innovative and can be developed into a real business. Polaris Incubator, the first private Incubation center in Aligarh work closely with young entrepreneurs while they are in their college and train them on entrepreneurship skills and motivate them to join the vision of new India with their own startups. PAE Stack is employability and entrepreneurship development programs run by Polaris within the colleges as well as outside to make the youth of the region more employable and better placed for entrepreneurship ventures. For more details and information about the programs run by us for schools, colleges and communities please get in touch with us by subscribing to our newsletter. 

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