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All you need is:

A Idea can win you 25000
A great team can do wonders
Fail to plan is planning to fail
A desire can make it happen


After successful completion of The Idea Meet in June 2023, Polaris Incubation Center is again inviting students from all colleges of U.P. to submit their startup ideas and get a chance to convert the idea into real business, for IDEATHON 2.0 to be held in December 23. This is one of its kind event happening in U.P. strictly for small and regional colleges in underserved areas of the state.

You can also win cash prizes upto 1 lac

We are inviting ideas in the following areas:
1. Consumer Segment
a: Product
b: Service
c: Process
2. Social Entrepreneurship Segment
a: Food Security
b: Water Conservation
c: Waste Management
d: Women Empowerment – Self Help
e: Education
f: Rural Development
3. Technology
a: Application Development and IOT
b: Reverse Engineering
c: Diversified
4. Health and Life Science
a: Food Science
b: Biotechnology
c: Community Health

Your submissions must be in this format.

Please get in touch for any query or understanding, call us, write to us or message us.
Last date for submission is

31 October 2023

So hurry up and All the best!

Please learn more about generating the idea by clicking here!

Learn more about the business plan template here.

If you feel that Innovation is difficult, please click here to understand that innovation is easy.

Youngsters do have some myths regarding startups, click here to clear few of your doubts.

Click here to know if your idea is market fit.

Click here if you want to know more about the Idea Meet and 1 Lac Prize money.

and Click here if you are still confused about selecting the best idea for this contest.