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The Impact

Thrust Areas

At the School:
  • Kids must start writing in early years.
  • Kids to love science and mathematics.
  • The best among then must think Ivy League graduation from USA, after class XII.
  • Class 9-12th graders work on startup ideas through our Junior Ideathon.
  • Develop and submit business ideas and proposals to win prizes.
At the College:
  • The students think startup in college.
  • Colleges to have incubation centers for business ideas development.
  • Colleges setup innovation councils.
  • Colleges participate in the events like Hackathon and Startup Bootcamp.
  • College students register their startups in the Startup India and start working.
At the Communities:
  • Marginalized communities to get empowered.
  • They understand the importance of the documents.
  • They get their pensions, scholarships and subsidies directly.

A humble beginning is now showing results

Our small initiatives have started yielding results in all areas, the schools are now understanding us better, they are joining our pencrafters club and SAM clubs. Students are now more focused to get to the USA through SAT route, there are black horses in the race to join Ivy League and hopefully we will have our first admission. Colleges giving us more respect and are open to setup incubation centers and local communities are getting benefitted with our regular camps being organized to help them get their documents corrected free or at government rates.

You can also be a part of this change

If you are a school, join our Pencrafters club and SAM Club (Science and Maths Club) for giving your kids an edge over others when they appear in various competitive exams after graduation.

If you are a college, you must be excited to have startups coming out from your own students while they are still studying with you, this gives a high ranking and attract the best talent. Get in touch with us to have your own Incubation center and get the edge.

Within the community you can support the initiatives about the community development through self helps, empowering them through awareness drives regarding various government schemes and benefits. Also get them enrolled in government records and get their documents corrected.

Join us a volunteer to serve the community

Your talent & experience is highly needed

If you are retired, housewife, professional or have time and desire to stay engaged with the community, we provide you the best platform and soothing experience to help your surrounding with our community service activities or helping kids grow into better humans.

Donate here

Donate for the cause

Your small help puts a big impact
The donation you made will help serve the local comunities in getting their documentation, getting them a respectable work and getting their kids to school.
Rs. 1150/-


Volunteer for a cause

10 hoursPer Month or once
  • Join our food camps.
  • Help cleanliness drives.
  • Join as our voluntary teacher.
  • Join our entrepreneurial lectures!
  • Organize Adhaar camps in your area.
  • Help kids learn english or math.
  • Help the kids write better.
  • Help a science project in school.
  • Engage communities for social change.
  • Bring rural entrepreneurship ideas to the table.
  • Help us in fund raising.
Learn more
Need help?

Call for help

If you need help please get in touch with any of our volunteers of write / call us for instant responce.
  • Girls marriage - we help in organizing food for upto 50 guests from our pool.
  • Kids on street - Call us to organize their return, we firmly stand against any form of child labor.
  • Education consultancy - Call us for any help
  • Scholarships - We are in touch with various organizations who offer monetary support to meritorious students.
  • Regional and small colleges - get in touch with us to get consulting on setting up your own startup plan.
  • Schools - Always welcomed for all kinds of guidance and support.
Get Now


USA is world’s number 1 country because it is always attracting and welcoming the world’s best talent. Most of our meritorious kids in their schools doesn’t even know that their high grades in school can take you to the top universities of the USA, that too absolutely free under their merit cum need based scholarship schemes run by all private universities including the Ivy League.

Most of the colleges I meet daily are aware of the GOI initiatives of startup and promoting the youth to think on the lines of setting up their own enterprise. But they are mostly clueless on how to go about it. It is simple and easy with Polaris’ approach. Just get in touch with us to have your college producing budding entrepreneurs within first year.

Many students come across with the dilemma of how to think of an idea, then if there is an idea how to take a start to convert it into a pitch and once the pitch is ready they are struggling to work out the starting point for their business idea. We can help. Just ask your college to get in touch with Polaris Incubation Center, or call us directly.

This is really critical and important aspect of any startup, the very first team, the think tank and the parents of the baby called ‘idea’. We at Polaris have a very unique way of dealing with this dilemma through CROSS CAMPUS COLLABORATION. Get in touch to know more on how you can get tech support for your startup and how you can get a cofounder for your business while you yourself is in college.

At Polaris, we understand this problem very deeply that there are very few takers for an idea coming out from a college, but we know that hard work and brilliance is the only option that can bring in the funds to take the idea further, we will equip our associated students with the skills needed to get the initial funding as well as support them to make sure that this fund is utilized at perfect place.

Polaris Educational and Cultural Trust the parent body of Polaris Academy of Excellence and Polaris Incubation Center is running one of its kind SAT classes for USA college admissions in Graduation. Polaris Incubation Center is the best incubation center in Aligarh, we are working closely with small and regional colleges to provide them the best business incubator in Aligarh. At Polaris Incubator, we work on startup ideas, the ideas those are innovative and can be developed into a real business. We work closely with young entrepreneurs while they are in their college and train them on entrepreneurship skills and motivate them to join the vision of new India with their own startups.  . PAE Stack is employability and entrepreneurship development programs run by Polaris within the colleges as well as outside to make the youth of the region more employable and better placed for entrepreneurship ventures. For more details and information about the programs run by us for schools, colleges and communities please get in touch with us by subscribing to our newsletter.