Eraser,yes, I forget my eraser at home 🙁 said young 5 year old daughter of a renowned businessman of the city to her classmate who inturns opened her bag and pulled out five different color of erasers to offer during a drawing competition organized by an NGO in the school. The learning for the girl is to ask for help and offer help.
Schools are breeding grounds for our future generation, their basic learnings of life and understanding about the importance of teams and friends, emotions like support, help, laughter and sharing, global issues like the environment, natural resources, nation and mother earth. As they grow they are opened to lots of other advance topics like our evolution, forefathers, their ways of life, science, technology, history and civilization.
there comes a point where they learn the maximum stuff at school apart from the basic values and culture that are around them in their home and localities.
During this entire process of learning, the most fascination things happens in the science classes, the researches proved that the eye pupils of the students widened maximum number of times during the science interactions in the fields of physics and biology apart from the stories they read in their literary classes.
Innovation at schools
Innovation is a crucial component of todays fast paced and continuously evolving world. The world is demanding and so are the parents, they want a positive change in their kids every time they return from the school and the schools are working tirelessly to meet the expectations of the parents and stay the first choice for all parents for their kids.
Many schools have already setup robotics labs, innovative science and mathematics labs, literary clubs and cultural committees which are run by the students to understand the value of creation in all fields. We are mentioning here a few essential elements of fostering innovation that the school must adopt in order to stay ahead in the game.
1. Encourage Creativity:
Schools can foster innovation by encouraging creativity among their students. This can involve providing opportunities for students to think critically, experiment with new ideas and explore different perspectives.
2. Support Experimentation:
Schools can provide resources and support for students to experiment with their new ideas and approaches. This can include providing access to technology, tools and materials as well as guidance from teachers, experts and mentors.
3. Provide Interdisciplinary learning experiences:
Schools can encourage innovation by offering Interdisciplinary learning opportunities that combine different fields of studies. This can help students develop a broader perspective and learn how to apply knowledge from different disciplines to solve a complex problem.
4. Promote Collaboration:
Schools must encourage and time to time appreciate collaboration among students and teachers to foster innovation. This can include group projects, team-based learnings and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Competition makes us faster<>Collaboration makes us better.
5. Encourage Risk Taking:
Schools can encourage the students to understand risk, help them to take calculated risk, develop entrepreneurial mindset to take calculated risk and understand the risk mitigation to some extent. This can involve creating a culture of innovation where students feel comfortable in experimenting with new ideas and taking calculated risk.
6. Foster a growth mindset:
Schools can foster innovation by developing a growth mindset among their students. The students should be excited to embrace challenges, persists through obstacles and view failures as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Creative approach to every project
Fostering a growth mindset involves cultivating a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hardwork.

Here are some strategies those can help in fostering a growth mindset.
>Staying positive even in the face of setbacks.
>The students must be taught to understand the importance of challenges in life as opportunities for growth not hinderances to avoid.
>Practice persistence and forget the option of giving up.
>Cultivate seriously and stay open minded for beliefs, notions and anything challenging their own beliefs.
>Encourage the process, the students must focus on the process, because the process is more important than the result itself.
>Mistakes are made to learn better and use them as stepping stones to do better.
>Understand feedback process and teach them to differentiate between feedback and criticism.
The schools performing at par are the ones remembered for doing great stuff!
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