Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think
Prepare them and push them to excel
Polaris educational and cultural trust is working in schools to identify the best of the talents and mold them to become even better, well equipped and ready to face the bigger challenges of life. Our methodology works on the idea of ‘making the best use of the best resources’,
- Convert them to be the best
- Transform their skills
- guide them for the best options
With this methodology we are working with the school kids to engage into one of most important aspects of school life, the creative writing.
We observed that essay writing in schools have not moved a bit for ages, the creative bent of mind in few ot the very promising kids always yearn for more and thus we have launched our Pencrafters club. to promote writing. Click here to know all about this initiative.

Once they develop the habit of writing in early age, they will not stop, this habit alone can take them places. All government positions are filled by those who are good in writing and expressing themselves, the private sector is also more interested in the people with great skills with pen and there are a lot of avenues which are always looking for persons good with pen like marketing, content creators, copywriters and so on.
We also want to work on generation “Z” mind to start thinking more scientifically, learn to solve problems and excel in the fields of research to tackle the global menaces of food security, hunger, environmental issues, global warming, health and next gen technology and for this we are setting up SAM clubs (Science and Maths clubs) in schools.
These kids are also guided to excel in speaking, reading and comprehension. Evidence based reading, absorbing the content, analytical resaoning etc. skills are also worked on to get the best of the kids from schools.
When these well versed lot reaches their class XI they are guided for admission in their graduation to the best colleges of the world, asked to think beyond AIIMS and IITS because they are the best and if they get a little more support they can easily get admission in the top private colleges of USA, that too for no fee, under merit cum need based scholarship schemes.
Our target is to take the kids from the urban slums to the Harvard for their graduation, because they really deserve that.