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Thrust Areas

Educate - Incubate - Empower

Polaris Educational and Cultural Trust is a leading organisation set up to accelerate and support positive change in the schools and colleges as well as in the lives of people living in marginalized communities and underserved areas.

We are working with the agenda of Educate – Incubate –Empower and under each vertical we have certain thrust areas to work on.

We are working with schools for hand picking the most promising students in various schools to start writing through our initiative of Pencrafters club, once they command a language they are guided to the prestigious SAT exam for admission in the private universities of the USA for free or very low fee under merit cum need based scholarship schemes run by these institutes to attract the best global talent.

Educational development is core of nations development, education provides a platform for growth and prosperity, it opens landscapes and expand horizons for the individual as well as the country. For us, Indians, being part of such a large country by population, it is highly important to convert these young minds into human resources else they will eventually convert to beneficiaries by default.

We are working in the sector that needs immense help and support at all levels, but for us the journey is even more tiring because we are serving a very miniscule of the problem, the conversion of students from a mediocre to an aspirant. We are trying to build the habit of writing that helps a man throughout his life, especially during his early years where there is competition and exams to pass and the ones good with pen are often found sailing smooth.

These young boys and girls, are even if not selected for USA, are great in academics and are going to do great in their further studies and have a high probability to get into higher studies due to their inclination towards reading and writing. These are the people who are going to help in solving the host of issues in fields of healthcare, economic opportunity, women empowerment and community building.

We are working with colleges for promoting the culture of innovation and guiding the young brains towards startup and entrepreneurship so that when they leave their college, they rather than having a pressure to find a suitable job, they have their own grown startup at funding level to run and succeed. This mission is in line with the GOI’s Startup India program.
The participating colleges are getting direct benefit of industry experts networking, access to funds for their startup ideas, guest lectures, workshops, innovation council formation and the events associated with it and above all the initial startup, if get supported properly, makes a highway for the others to follow.

We work with local communities to empower them with the necessary documents to make them eligible and find benefits from the various government schemes, pensions and scholarships. Due to improper or faulty documents these illiterate people are often run from pillar to post for updates thereby missing out from the benefits of the schemes.

Co-founded by Bakthiyar Khan and Ahmad Saifi in year 2021, key achievements for Polaris TRust in its first 2 years of work have been:

1. Free SAT coaching to over 60 students
2. One student got selected in the University of Cincinnati with a scholarship of $35000
3. Started Pencrafters club in schools where kids develop a habit of creative writing.
4. Setting up Incubation centre in UP to help all the regional, small and private colleges.
5. Helping in setting up innovation council in partnering colleges.
6. Supporting the government’s mission of Startups in every college
7. Empowering the underserved urban slum areas with government documentation.
8. Organized camps to help these people get their Adhaar card, voter card etc. updated for free.

9. One of its kind Madarsa program, we developed a unique Hub-Spoke model for modernization of madarsas in the Indian semi urban and rural areas.

These small initiatives are giving fruitful results at the ground level and helping the communities, we are looking forward to get more and more people to join hands with us as volunteers to help the cause. You can join by a simple email message, call or whatsapp and be a part of the solution.


And counting…

Industry Experts

Helping workshops & events

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what we do

Our Services


Top level education for most promising kids
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Our target: Smaller private and regional colleges in underserved areas
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Consulting Services

Startup Consultancy for college students
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Empowering Communities

Through small initiatives and collaboration with local self-help groups and NGOs
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Change makers

We are driven by volunteers

Most of our activities except consulting services are through the help of our admirers and volunteers from the local communities.

Bakhtiyar Khan

Senior Manager

Startup, SAT and Innovation Program Director at Polaris Academy of Excellence. Working on grooming, polishing and motivating the youth to venture into their own startup.

Krishnan Subramaniam

Program head Train the trainer

Krish is leading our train the trainer program for entrepreneurship development at schools and colleges.

Ahmad Saifi

Startup funding

Startup finances, financial management, startup funding, entrepreneurship big moves

Polaris Incubation Center is offering the youth in tier II and III towns a spectacular opportunity to carve and showcase their talents in business world.

Vishwadeep Singh – Head of Logistics at Kenstar

Business Owner

Polaris Educational and Cultural Trust the parent body of Polaris Academy of Excellence and Polaris Incubation Center is running one of its kind SAT classes for USA college admissions in Graduation. Polaris Incubation Center is the best incubation center in Aligarh, we are working closely with small and regional colleges to provide them the best business incubator in Aligarh. At Polaris Incubator, we work on startup ideas, the ideas those are innovative and can be developed into a real business. We work closely with young entrepreneurs while they are in their college and train them on entrepreneurship skills and motivate them to join the vision of new India with their own startups.  . PAE Stack is employability and entrepreneurship development programs run by Polaris within the colleges as well as outside to make the youth of the region more employable and better placed for entrepreneurship ventures. For more details and information about the programs run by us for schools, colleges and communities please get in touch with us by subscribing to our newsletter.